
关于“包容性设计与健康” 会议的通知


Conference: Inclusive Design and Health


October 17th 2015, TheDark RoomLecture Hall, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, 281 Fuxin Road, Yangpu District Shanghai


8:30-9:00 Registration 注册

9:00-9:30 Welcome and Opening speech “Inclusive Design and Health”

         Professor Hua Dong, Tongji University

            董华教授: 欢迎与主题演讲:包容性设计与健康

9:30-10:30 “Arts in Hospitals – the practice in the UK”

         Dr Langley Brown, Manchester Metropolitan University

            布朗博士: 主题演讲: 医院中的艺术: 英国之实践

10:30-10:45 Tea break 茶歇

10:45-11:45 “Arts in health: a cross-disciplinary project” presentations


         Dr Hua Dong, Dr Cornelia Bogen and Mr Zhejun Liu

11:45-1:30 Lunch break 午饭时间

Doctoral Consortium博士生论坛

1:30-1:40            Introduction by Professor Hua DONG 论坛介绍

1:40-2:30        Shu YUAN:“The relations between designers and users in the co-design context”袁姝: 合作设中的设计师-用户系研究

2:30-3:20        Shan HUANG “Cognitive Capability Data in Mobile Interaction Design: focusing on the Young-Old” 黄姗:移动交互设计所涉及的初老人群认知能力

3:20-3:40        Tea Break 茶歇

3:40-4:20      Jing PANMotivating Older People to Adopt ICT Products for Improving Their Life Quality”潘婧:如何鼓励老人使用信息交流技术提升其生活质量

4:20-5:00      Ying JIANG:“Ageing at home: an exploration of the meaning of home for care design   


5:00-5:15     Panel summary 专家总结

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