


The Norwegian Consulate General in Shanghai would like to invite you to a Seminar andWorkshop On Inclusive Design

挪威驻上海总领事馆诚挚邀请您参加< 包容性设计主题研讨会>

hosted by the Norwegian Centre for Design and Architecture

with contributionsfrom Centre for Inclusive Design Research at Tongji University.



Be inspired by keynote lectures de­livered by experienced experts and leaders in the field, followed by a workshop for a carefully selected group of participants where you will learn how to involve lead users to offer more innovative, user friendly and relevant solutions for your customers, whether you provide services, products or environments.


Time: Monday 2 November 10:00 – 17:00

Place: 800 SHOW, 800 Changde Rd, JingAn District

时间:112日周一 10.00 – 17.00


The seminar and workshop includes a Nordic lunch and the opportunity to see our exhibition “Nordic Spaces”. Please find attached more information.


We have limited seats for this workshop, and will confirm your participation on a first-come-first-serve basis. Hope that you have the opportunity to join us for the full program!


For any queries concerning the program, please contact Lingfei.Fei.Ge@mfa.no

RSVP to Jian.Qi.Grace.Chen@mfa.no by Friday 23 October




The Consulate Generals of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden proudly present the Nordic Design and Innovation Week (NDIW) 2015. After two successful years featuring sustainable design and fashion, this time we turn the spotlight on Nordic Spaces, bringing you 10 days of seminars and workshops, as well as exhibitions open to the public. Special attention is given to design disciplines such as urban design, clean technology, inclusive design, digital design and creative design.


For more information about the Nordic Spaces exhibition and all the events during the Nordic Design and Innovation Week. Please visit:



Invitation - Seminar onPeople-Centred Design.pdf

Invitation - Workshop onInclusive Design.pdf

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