



Sound for Interview and Location recording

Speaker/主讲人:Benjamin Grau



Location/地点:Weixin Building124/惟新馆124

Enrollment/报名方式:Before 12:00 a.m. 03/12/2015, please send following information to the email address972648005@qq.com: Name, Grade, Major, Phone number, and please mark if you are in the “100+10” project.2015123日中午12点前,发送报名信息至邮箱,报名信息需包括:姓名、年级、专业、手机, 如果是100+10项目,请在报名邮件中说明

Speaker Portfolio/主讲人简介:

Benjamin Grau, born 1987 in Hamburg, is a composer, sounddesigner and music producer.  

Since October 2012 he is studying Music Design at the Trossingen University of Music.

From October 2008 to April 2011 he deepened his education – autodidactic till then – at the academy Deutsche POP Munich in the areas of composition, sound design and audio engineering.

In December 2009 he finished his advanced education to “Audiofachkraft (IHK)” at the IHK-Akademie-München-Westerham.

As freelance work beside his studies among other things he collaborated with Klangerfinder GmbH & Co KG in the development of notification sounds for Mercedes Benz and in the content production of the media guide for the Museum Haus Dix. He also contributed in diverse multimedia projects including the mixing of the iPad Atmo for the stand of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development at the EINEWELT forum in Berlin 24.11.2014 and sounddesign and composition for iPad Games and installations.

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