



2013 年,蜚声欧洲的原“科隆钢琴三重奏”组合中的两位弦乐音乐家, 即德国著名小提琴家Walter Schreiber 和波兰籍德国著名大提琴家Joanna Sachryn,与来自中国的留德钢琴博士、演奏家隋歆女士相遇,后者所具备的音乐天赋和高超演奏技艺, 让三人一拍即合,隋歆女士接替了已经年迈的钢琴家Günter Ludwig 先生加入“科隆钢琴三重奏”,使得这个享誉欧洲的经典组合又开始焕发新的生命力。

 “科隆钢琴三重奏”从成立到现在,已历时25 年。组合里的每一位音乐家都来自不同的国家,具有不同的文化背景,也各自代表着不同的音乐时代,他们能够将传统与现代、艺术特性与个人魅力完美地融合在一起,使得该组合获得了音乐界重要的艺术地位。


自新“科隆钢琴三重奏”诞生以来,这个组合已经在中国和欧洲多个国家成功举办多场音乐会,得到了世界乐迷们的热烈欢迎和一致好评。2015 年,“科隆钢琴三重奏”推出首张音乐唱片,该唱片演绎了贝多芬的经典名作,值得乐迷们期待。


还有一些著名的现代作曲家如Dieter Salbert, Violetta Dinescu,专门为“科隆钢琴三重奏”创作作品,让他们在有影响力的国际音乐节上进行首演。除此之外,“科隆钢琴三重奏”也与一些作曲大师保持紧密合作,例如:与著名的波兰作曲家克里斯托弗·梅尔合作《梅尔与舒伯特》;与希腊作曲家Stelios Coucounaras 合作,演奏其专门为“科隆钢琴三重奏”和拜罗伊特音乐节四位首席音乐家改编配器的勃拉姆斯作品第65 号“爱之歌圆舞曲”,这首作品于2002 年夏季在享誉国际的拜罗伊特音乐节(瓦格纳故居博物馆内)首演。


New Cologne Piano Trio  

Is Surely What China Has Been Waiting for

Two years ago the two famous musicians, German Violinist Mr. Walter Schreiber and polish-German Cellist Mrs. Joanna Sachryn from the Cologne Piano Trio met the young Chinese pianist Xin Sui, who would later succeed the famous German pianist Professor Günter Ludwig, who recently retired from the group. From this meeting, a new Cologne Piano Trio was founded.

 The new Cologne Piano Trio is performing in numerous venues all across China with receptive and excited feedback from both concert goers and critics alike.

Recently the new Cologne Piano Trio released their first CD recording featuring masterpieces from Ludwig van Beethoven. Regarding the new release, the musicians made the statement: “The idea of our new style is to use our highly developed skills on the instruments paired with virtuosity to give life to the musical notes. Tolerance paired with highly emotional expressions is significant for our music.”

 The philosophy of simplicity paired with high efficiency is what makes the trio very unique. Looking back on the 25 years of its brilliant and successful career and on many exceptional live concerts, the Cologne Piano Trio has always put an emphasis on its artistic character which also brings this group a worldwide fame.

The Cologne Piano Trio combines traditional and modern musical style and stylizes it with contributions from the members multi-cultural and generational background.

This unique interpretation of music makes the Cologne Piano Trio a musical attraction with worldwide staying power in places like Europe, South America and Asia.

Beside the intense concert tours, the members of the Cologne Piano Trio are all in high-demand as masterclass lecturers in the most famous music schools of the world.

The trio regularly performs in major European cities as well as in Brazil, Japan and Korea. The trio also performs at international music festivals such as: the Flandern Festival, the Carinthian Summer, the Osaka Festival and the “Berliner Festwochen”.

Well-known contemporary composers like Dieter Salbert and Violetta Dinescu dedicate their works to the Cologne Piano Trio, which performs with them at international festivals and also have a close collaboration with the famous polish composer Krzysztof Meyer who also collaborated with them in their mutual project “Meyer and Schubert”.

The greek composer Stelios Coucounaras has transcribed Brahms’ “Liebeslieder-Walzer”op. 65 for the Cologne Piano Trio and four soloists of the “Bayreuther Festspiele”. Theworld premiere of this collaboration took place at Villa Wahnfried in Bayreuth in thesummer of 2002.


贝多芬钢琴三重奏“小路之歌” Op.11

瓦格纳  钢琴三重奏 “航海”选自歌剧《特里斯坦与伊索尔德》

斯美塔那 g小调钢琴三重奏 Op.15




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