
惟新讲坛 | 第十二期:艺术沙龙之走进戏剧的殿堂



Donald James Hopkins








Dr. Donald James Hopkins is a Professor at San Diego State University (SDSU) of the United States, the Director of the Theatre Research Center of SDSU. For six years, he was the Director of the School of Theatre, Television, and Film. Now he is also the VP Research and Publications of Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE). 

Hopkins is a scholar whose research interests include Shakespeare in Performance (especially contemporary productions and Shakespeare on Film), Performance and the City/Global City. His publications have appeared in many journals. He edited two collections of essays entitled Performance and the City, Performance and the Global City. Both collections explore the relationship between performance and the production of (urban) space. The research has made a widespread impaction in the world. The book Performance and the City has been translated into Chinese. 

As a dramaturgy, Hopkins has worked with numerous writers, directors, choreographers, and theatre artists. Hopkins is the 2012 recipient of the Elliott Hayes Award for Achievement in Dramaturgy, in recognition of ten years as editor of Review, the online journal of dramaturgy. 

Donald James Hopkins 唐纳德.詹姆斯.霍普金斯博士, 简称D.J. Hopkins,美国圣地亚哥州立大学(San Diego State University,简称SDSU)戏剧影视学院教授,戏剧研究中心主任,曾担任六年该校戏剧影视学院院长。现担任美国高等教育戏剧联合会(ATHE)研究与出版副主席。

D.J. Hopkins教授研究兴趣为批评研究、编剧、戏剧历史与理论,主要研究领域包括表演中的莎士比亚、当代戏剧和电影中的莎士比亚、表演与城市/全球城市。代表专著《城市、舞台、全球:表演与空间在莎士比亚的伦敦》City/Stage/Globe: Performance and Space in Shakespeare's London。主编《表演与城市》、《表演与全球城市》两本著作都是关于探索表演和城市空间创作关系的,其在表演与城市/全球城市方面的研究已在世界上产生了广泛影响,其中《表演与城市》已被翻译成中文出版。

作为编剧,D.J. Hopkins教授与众多作家、导演、编舞以及戏剧艺术家合作,2012获得Elliott Hayes Award 奖,以表彰他作为编审,十年中为在线编剧杂志《评论》所做的贡献。

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