



- 2019 -














SustainX 可持续未来设计研究中心








- 2019 -

Tongji University International Design Workshop


Host: College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University


Tongji Architectural Design Group Co., Ltd.

College of Arts and Media, Tongji University

Guiding Unit:

New Jiangwan City Street, Yangpu District

Organizer: Life Long Learning Centre, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University


City Science Lab @ Shanghai, a cooperation with MIT Media Lab

Environmental Futures Lab, Tongji University

Tongji DESIS Lab

SustainX Design Research Center

Omni Media Institute, College of Arts and Media Tongji University


Date: 2019-Aug-12 to 2019-Aug-24

Location: College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University (Shanghai, China)

Language: Chinese and English




[Tongji University International Design Workshop] is a high-standard international joint workshop hosted by College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, Tongji Architectural Design Group Co., Ltd. and College of Arts and Media, Tongji University, guided by New Jiangwan City Street, Yangpu District, organized by Life Long Learning Center, and supported by Tongji University-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Shanghai Urban Science Laboratory, Environmental Futures Lab, Tongji DESIS Lab, SustainX Design Research Center. The design workshop provides high-quality learning exchanges and practical opportunities for students and design enthusiasts at home and abroad, and cultivates future designers. The workshop lasts for about two weeks. By breaking the boundaries of the discipline (design, interaction, media, service, space, etc.), it is committed to exploring creative overall solutions to comprehensive issues of science, technology, humanities, space, media and society in the context of the new era. This course is led by teachers from Tongji University. It is a collaboration between professors and scholars from famous design institutes at home and abroad, as well as senior designers from design companies. This course will end up with a road show to test the results ( jury from govenrment, profession, investor and residents will be invited). Participants will conduct comprehensive study and participate in practice in research methods, design methods, problem solving skills, and hands-on skills.

*The final interpretation of this course belongs to College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University.



/  本期主题  /



跨界 | 设计驱动的未来社区创新:

设计 x 技术 x 运营




跨界&设计驱动(Inter-disciplinary & Design Driven)——我们希望通过设计驱动以及多学科合作的方式,对社区的空间构成、新技术应用以及交互、服务与商业模式体系进行重新思考,以探索未来的生活方式的基本单元——未来社区。我们希望以下三个方面的价值能够被重点考量:可持续设计(Sustainable Design)、以人为中心的设计(Human-centered Design)、开放设计(Open Design)。


Inner discipline | Design Driven Innovation of Future Community

Design x Technology x Operation

Community - As the basic functional unit of urban life, it plays an extremely important role in people's lives. Today we are facing a new round of technological revolution and changes in the social economy and industry. A series of new technologies, such as cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, as the underlying infrastructure, will gradually empower all aspects of our lives. New technologies such as new retail, unmanned vending machines, drones, and unmanned vehicles continue to breed new possibilities for future lifestyles. Shared economic products such as shared office, shared housing, shared kitchen, and shared bicycles have also gradually broken our original understanding of the way urban space is used. The concepts of zero-carbon community, smart community, shared community, and circular economy have gradually entered the field of vision. At the same time, the community should be a place with happiness and belonging. Today, with the rapid iteration of technology, we are standing at the crossroads of technology and humanity again. What is the future community like? How should the future community work? What kind of lifestyle will the future look like? We look forward to seeing your creative ideas and answers!


Interdisciplinary & Design Driven - We hope to rethink the community's spatial composition, new technology applications, and interaction, service and business model systems through design-driven and multidisciplinary collaboration to explore the future The basic unit of lifestyle - the future community. We hope that the following three aspects of value can be considered: Sustainable Design, Human-centered Design, Open Design.




8 Research Group (Inter disciplinary)


 Group A 




 Group B 




 Group C 




 Group D 




 Group E 




 Group F 




 Group G 




 Group H 





/ 课程安排 /







/ 指导老师 /



LOU Yongqi

Professor, Dean, Doctoral Tutor, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University


同济大学设计创意学院 教授、院长、博士生导师



Aldo Cibic

Co-founder, Memphis Design Group

Professor of Practice, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University 

Visiting Professor, Politecnico di Milano

Visiting Professor, IUAV Venezia

孟菲斯设计小组 创始人之一

同济大学设计创意学院 设计实践型教授

米兰理工大学 客座教授

威尼斯建筑大学 客座教授



Constantinos Terzidis

Professor, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University

 Director, Shangxiang Lab

Former Associate Professor, Harvard University  

Taught in Harvard Graduate School of Design as the Director of the PhD Program in Design 

同济大学设计创意学院 教授

尚想实验室 主任




Jarmo Suominen

Professor, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University

 Professor, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Aalto University

Visiting Scientist, MIT 

同济大学设计创意学院 教授

芬兰阿尔托大学艺术、设计与建筑学院  教授

美国麻省理工学院  访问专家



Tiziano Cattaneo

National Chair Professor, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University

Visiting Professor, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University

First class registered architect in Italian Architects Association

 Director, Environmental Futures Lab, Tongji University

 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Pavia in Italy

Visiting Scholar, MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning in 2016/2017 

Founder Director, the China Lab for Architecture and Urban Studies

同济大学设计创意学院 副教授

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 访问教授

意大利建筑师协会注册一级 建筑师

同济大学环境未来实验室 主任

意大利帕维亚大学建筑工程学院 助理教授

2016/2017麻省理工大学城市与规划学院 访问学者

建筑与城市研究中国实验室 创立人




SU Yunsheng


Associate Director, Shanghai International Institute of Design and Innovation

Assistant Dean, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University

Executive Director, SustainX Design Research Center

PhD in Urban Planning

National Registered Urban Planner


上海国际设计创新研究院 常务副院长

同济大学设计创意学院 院长协理

SustainX 可持续未来设计研究中心 执行主任





LI Lingyan

Associate Professor, College of Arts and Media, Tongji University

Assistant Director, Cross-media Arts and Communication Center, College of Arts and Media, Tongji University


同济大学艺术与传媒学院 副教授

同济大学艺术与传媒学院跨媒体艺术与传播中心 主任助理



NI Minqing

Lecturer, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University

Vice Director, Tongji DESIS Lab

Master of Environmental Narrative, School of Design and Art, Central Saint Martin, UK



同济大学设计创意学院 讲师

同济大学社会创新与可持续设计实验室 副主任

英国中央圣马丁设计艺术学院环境叙事 硕士




JU Wei

Lecturer, College of Arts and Media, Tongji University

Chief Director, Doc-series “Tongji Stories”

Director, “Tongji Stories” Omnimedia Studio


同济大学艺术与传媒学院 讲师

同济大学融媒体人物志节目《济遇》 总导演

同济大学艺术与传媒学院“济遇”全媒体内容工作室 主理人



XUE Hang

Lecturer, College of Arts and Media, Tongji University


同济大学艺术与传媒学院 讲师




Executive Manager, Design Square of  the College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University

Registered Architect in Belgium


同济大学设计创意学院设计坪坊 执行经理





Wouter Oostendorp

Lecturer, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Co-founder of OxL Architecten, the Netherlands

Former Architect, MVRDV

Former Architect, OMA 

荷兰代尔夫特理工大学建筑学院 讲师

荷兰OxL事务所 联合创始人

前荷兰MVRDV 建筑师

前荷兰OMA 建筑师 




 Project Architect, Wework

Master of Urban Design, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA


Wework 项目建筑师

美国麻省理工学院城市设计 硕士 



JIN Yuhui

Master of Urbanism, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Dutch Registered Urban Designer

Former Architect, AECOM


荷兰代尔夫特理工大学Urbanism 硕士


前AECOM 建筑师 



WANG Keming

Co-founder, MONOARCHI 

Guest Lecturer, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University

Guest Lecturer, University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China


MONOARCHI度向建筑 联合创始人

同济大学设计创意学院 客座讲师

宁波诺丁汉大学 客座讲师 




Design Director, iQiyi Shanghai 

Former QQ Design Manager, Tencent Social User Experience Design Department 


爱奇艺上海 设计总监

前腾讯社交用户体验设计部 QQ设计经理



/ 详细信息 /













(家具尺度 、建筑物尺度 、城市尺度三选其一)












在校学生:9800 RMB

在职人员:12800 RMB


*如需安排住宿,请在报名表中勾选。住宿费用:2400 RMB(12晚),住宿地点:同济大学附近酒店(房间数量有限,依报名先后顺序安排),住宿标准:1.标间200元/人/天(默认)2.单间400元/人/天(请做备注并支付差价)。






2019 Tongji University International Design Workshop

Date: 2019-Aug-12 to 2019-Aug-24

Venue: College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University (Shanghai, China)

Language: Chinese and English


Recruiting people:

Undergraduate, Master, PhD. and graduate in design, technology and related fields.


Output of the workshop

Complete one design or design study on related topics in groups

(choose one from the furniture scale, building scale and city scale.)


Awards and Certificate of Completion

First prize (1 group)

Second prize (2 groups)

Third prize (3 groups)

*Certificates are offered. No financial reward is set for the prizes above. 

In addition, all students who completed this course will be awarded the “Tongji University Course Training (Special) Certificate of Completion”


Tuition fee

Students of Tongji university (including international exchange students) : Free (limited availability, first-come, first-served)

Other students:  9800RMB

Graduated :12800 RMB

*The above fees include tuition and teaching materials

*If you need to arrange accommodation, please tick in the registration form. Accommodation fee: 2400 RMB (12 nights). Accommodation: Hotels near Tongji University (limited number of rooms, arranged according to the order of registration), accommodation standards: 1. Standard room 200 yuan / person / day (default) 2. Single room 400 yuan /person/day (please make a note and pay the difference).


Registration deadline

July 31, 2019, 23:59




/ 报名方式 /





Scan to fill the application form



预付定金 Deposit

1000 RMB




*The deposit is paid after the registration form is submitted.

*The deposit is included in the tuition fee and can be deducted when the balance is paid.

*If the material review fails, it will be refunded within 7 working days.



支付全款 Payment


(Registration materials will be reviewed within approximately 3 working days after submission.Please complete the full payment within 7 working days after receiving the successful registration confirmation email)




/ 联系咨询/




Scan the QR Code to Follow

the Official WeChat Account






Scan the QR Code to ask detailed questions 

related to the course arrangement






同济大学设计创意学院是国内最具国际声誉的设计学院之一,跻身世界著名设计学院行列。2019年QS(Quacquarelli Symonds)世界大学学科排名中,学院在“艺术与设计(Artand Design)”学科位列全球第14名,亚洲排名第一。


2017年9月,教育部、财政部、国家发展改革委印发《关于公布世界一流大学和一流学科建设高校及建设学科名单的通知》,公布世界一流大学和一流学科(简称“双一流”)建设高校及建设学科名单,学院设计学科(Art & Design)入选世界一流学科建设。


学院是CUMULUS全球设计、艺术与媒体院校联盟成员,ICSID国际工业设计协会成员,DESIS社会创新和可持续设计联盟成员。2007-2010年间同济大学艺术设计系和同济大学设计创意学院连续3次被美国《商业周刊》评选为全球最佳设计学院及课程之一。2010年同济大学设计创意学院被PSDTUTS+网站评为全球最佳的18所设计学院之一。2011年“同济-阿尔托设计工厂”被著名的Monocle杂志评选为全球5大高校创新平台之一。2013年,设计创意学院入选国际著名设计杂志《FRAME》“全球设计硕士教育30佳”(World Leading Master Programs)。


同济大学设计创意学院主编的设计杂志《大设计》,在设计界具有较大影响。2013年起,同济大学设计创意学院与荷兰ELSEVIER出版社合作出版全英文设计研究学报“Design, Economics and Innovation”, 已于2015年春出版首期。


College of Design and Innovation (D&I), Tongji University, was developed from the Art and Design Department of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University. College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University(D&I) was ranked 14th in Art and Design according to Quacquarelli Symonds(QS) world university ranking by subject in 2019.


College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, enjoys membership in CUMULUS, the International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media, ICSID, the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design, and DESIS, Design for Social Innovation & Sustainability. From 2007 to 2010, the Department of Art and Design and the College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, were selected for three consecutive times as one of the world’s best colleges of design and courses. In 2010, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, was named one of the world’s best 18 colleges of design by PSDTUTS+ website. In 2011, “Tongji – Alto Design Factory” was selected as one of the five major global university innovation platforms by the famous magazine Monocle. In 2013, College of Design and Innovation was selected by the internationally renowned design magazine FRAME into the “Top 30 World Leading Master Programs”.


The design magazine, All Design, is edited by College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, and has a great influence in the design community. Since 2013, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University has cooperated with Holland Elsevier Publisher to publish an English journal of design research, Design Economics and Innovation. The first issue will be published in the spring in 2015.






Tongji Architectural Design(Group)Co.,Ltd.(TJAD),formerly known as the Architectural Design and Tesearch Institute of Tongji University,was founded in 1985 and has now developed into a well-known large-scale design consulting group.With one hundred years' history and the profound cultural foundation of Tongji University,TJAD has accumulated rich experience in both engineering design and technical consultancy through continuous progress in the course of half a century.






Focusing on “Omni-media”and “Performance art”, College of Arts andMedia, Tongji University devotes to cultivating students with new ideology, new view, new technologyin their professional arts and media field.


With the aim of creative development and rising,the strategy of the College is: to take journalism and communication as itscore and omni-media as its characteristics, Integrating the ProfessionalDisciplines of the College;to focus on Three Frontier Directions: PoliticalCommunication, Urban Communication and Intelligent Communication.
















The Life Long Learning Centre of College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University is a global design education platform initiated by College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University. The centre is devoted to cultivating “3D T-Shaped” innovative talents, aims to drive cross-cultural and interdisciplinary innovation with design thinking, and helps individuals sustainably renew their knowledge on a life-long basis.


The centre advocates — “to think  about the future development of mankind through design”. To seek self-recognition and taking on global responsibility is the mission towards thedevelopment of China’s design industry. In the era of global knowledge network, cross-cultural and interdisciplinary communication, learning and collaboration is a long-term but crucial thematic design. To a certain extent, it is the science of “putting what is learned to statecraft" and its development is closely related to the current political, scientific, technological, social, economic and cultural environment.


The centre promotes the integration of technology, creativity and business model with "design thinking" to create and lead future demands. By creating and meeting the demands, we impel technology application, transformation and invention, thus promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, which further drives new businesses, new economy and new models.


The centre believes that “if there is a problem, there is a need for design”. As long as there is a common goal for a better life, design has its place. Design education should be inclusive, innovative, and funded by bothknowledge and practice. Design competence on the other hand, is complex and comprehensive, which includes many crucial abilities in this modern era,described as followed: the ability to apply knowledge in different situations, to integrate technology, creativity and business with design thinking; the ability to communicate and express creatively, to discover and reconstruct problems; the ability to design digitally, to have strategic awareness, system view, empathy, leadership, and so on.


The centre cultivates “3D T-Shaped” innovative talents. The so-called "T-Shaped" innovative talents refer to those who can combine and flexibly apply professional-oriented vertical competence together with integration-oriented horizontal competence; As for the “3D T-Shaped” educational framework, it means the organisation of all kinds of knowledge, ability,space, people, and culture through the allocation of environment and resources to provide a better academic surrounding. It is a concept that can be applied to all kinds of industries and various scenarios.


The centre agrees with the idea that “lifelong learning is the basic path to achieve sustainable development”. The Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030 was formally adopted at United Nations Headquarters in New York on September 25, 2015, for the first time regards education and lifelong learning as an important driving force for sustainable development and puts forward requirements for lifelong learning methods in terms of its multifaceted and wide-ranging nature. Traditional education management methods can no longer effectively promote lifelong learning development, and all countries around the world need to establish a new comprehensive governance model. The Life Long Learning Centre of College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University believes that providing resources for lifelong learning is its responsibility, but also one of the main reasons for its very existence.




- END -


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